Saturday, August 31, 2019

Generational Differences at the Workplace

The article that I have chosen for my assignment is called â€Å"Generational differences in the workplace: personal values, behaviors, and popular beliefs. † It was published recently in the Journal of Diversity Management. The main purpose of this paper was to identify the most significant differences between three generations of present employees: Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y, using popular and academic literature. These differences were then analyzed using the results of the Rokeach Value Survey, which included 5057 interviews with people from every group. According to the results, the information received from the research was very similar to other widely-spread opinions on this topic. The differences found between these three generations were quite typical and this implies that managers have not only to remember about such age-specific diversity but put a lot of efforts to be able to successfully hire and retain employees from every above-mentioned group. People from these generations usually see the world in a very different way as they have been influenced by different factors during the age of making up of their personality. That is why they should be managed in specific ways, adjusted to their core values and desires and some of the possible ways are considered in the closing part of this article. Main part: According to Manheim (1953) a generation can be defined as a group of people born and raised in the same general chronological, social and historical context. Nowadays, many companies are faced with challenging problems concerning the rising amount of conflicts in the workplace between people of different age. This is one of the obstacles of the generation diversity, that should be treated very carefully as it has an enormous impact on the social life of any company. The article offers us a survey conducted among 5057 employees of various age in order to understand the principal distinctions between three generations, to better realize their core values, beliefs and expectations from life and, what is more important for the employers – their expectations from their jobs. As it was already mentioned in the Introduction these three generations are the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Generation X (born 1965-80) and Generation Y (born since 1980). Baby Boomers present the largest group of employees nowadays. These are people who mostly rejected their parents' values in their earlier years. According to Loyalty Factor President Dianne Durkin â€Å"They invented work as self-fulfillment and proving themselves, and have defined themselves by their careers† (ref. â„â€" 4). Usually they can be described as self-absorbed, loyal and competitive workaholics. They usually have leading roles in the company, holding top-level management positions. In addition to this they are competent, effective but usually have quite conservative type of thinking and do not like to accept any changes. Generation X people are mostly very confident and independent, as the environment where they were brought-up had changed a lot. These children usually came home after school alone as their parents were working the whole day. And this was one of the main factors that led to the creation of a freedom-loving and self-reliant generation. According to the article â€Å"Managing Different Generations at Work† (ref. â„â€" 3) these people view work just as a job. They work to live, not on the contrary and they want to balance their lives. That is why they need to be given freedom and autonomy, maybe some support, but not the guidance. A clear mission and well-defined goals should be created for Xers. They are very cynical by nature and are usually not concerned with the words like loyalty and trust that is why they tend to change jobs very often. Probably the most interesting generation of these three is the last one – Generation Y, as these young people represent the future. This generation was brought-up on computers, internet and TV programs. They are optimistic, realistic, globally aware and easily accept diversity and innovations. According to the article â€Å"Get ready for a new type of worker in the workplace: the net generation† by MarkL. AIch, Ph. D (ref â„â€" 6) the members of the newest generation hold respect for people who can demonstrate expertise and knowledge, but not just thanks to someone’s rang or age. They are more interested in utilizing their expertise and skills, want to participate in decision making and have a need to collaborate and to establish an interconnectivity with others. This may also be confirmed by the article â€Å"Managing Generation Y† by Rick Weber (ref â„â€" 12) where he states that these people feel great about themselves. And when you think about how to prepare the next generation to move into leadership roles they are already thinking about buying the company. They also want to learn from others, because they are curious. So the best way to retain these young talents is to spend time in guiding, directing, and supporting them, and giving them the wisdom they cannot get from anywhere else. It is interesting to see some peculiarities in the results of the Rokeach Value Survey mentioned in the given article. According to its results, Family Security and Health are on the first two positions for every generation. Freedom is very important for both X and Y generations, but is quite insignificant for the Boomers. Gen X’s value for pleasure is higher than others, and Gen Y ranked Independence much higher than two other generations. Other significant differences in ranking preferences include Open-mindedness which has a very low position in the Boomers’ rank. As we can observe now, the results from the survey correlate strongly with a general description of every generation. Thus, we can state that there are some typical differences between Baby Boomers generation, Generation X and Generation Y which should obviously be taken into account by the managers who have to deal with employees from these various groups. They need to know what their workers want, what they need and how to occupy them as this is essential for the successful and effective work of the whole company. Implications: For sure, there are many challenges created by having multiple generations in the workplace, but if the correct approaches could be found, the goal of creating an efficient, effective and sustainable business model that uses the best qualities within each of the three generations can be achieved. Baby boomers are characterized as loyal hard workers usually taking high positions. They can be probably motivated by money, promotion options and social approval. Referring to the article â€Å"Managing Baby Boomers† by D. Quinn Mills and Mark D Cannon (ref â„â€" 8) this generation can be attracted and motivated by several approaches. First, it is important for managers to be sensitive to employees’ needs and interests and provide the variety of challenges and experiences to keep the job interesting. Another good tip is to treat them as professional because Baby Boomers usually consider themselves professionals and want to be respected for their individual skills. They like to have responsible tasks and have opportunities for further development. Some other steps could be to create individually oriented reward system, to provide opportunities to develop relationships adopt a more participative management style and try to reduce conflict through understanding. The distinctive features of Generation X are their independence, self-reliance and lack of trust. That is why managers should try to make their work more meaningful and fun. According to the article â€Å"Managing our future: The generation X factor† by Gary O’Bannon (ref â„â€" 9) managers need to support Xers’ style of thinking, learning and communicating, and respect the unique perspective they bring to the workplace. Maybe Xers should be granted more day-to-day autonomy and enough creative responsibility to imagine problems in their own terms. Here I would like to give an example of a global management consultant company Accenture (ref. â„â€" 11) that realized how time flexibility may significantly increase the level of satisfaction of their workers. For that reason they introduced an idea of Future Leave which gives the employees a possibility once in three years to take 1 to 3 months of self-funded sabbatical and use it as they wish. Some similar steps may be undertaken to satisfy Generation X’s necessity in independence, because it gives them time to rethink their values and feel more comfortable and appreciated. The Generation Y is raised on computers and constant changes in the world. Therefore they need to satisfy their high ambitions, curiosity and need of innovation. Referring to the article â€Å"The Net Generation Takes the Lead† (ref. 10) the trend in the companies should be toward networks, not hierarchies, toward open collaboration rather than command, toward consensus rather than arbitrary rule, and toward enablement rather than control. Learning has to be part of work and these people should always be given the possibility to offer new ideas, to innovate. They should be given interesting and challenging tasks, and in addition to this their opinion should be appreciated as they will never stay in a place where they do not have right to participate in decision-making and add value in the future of the company. However, simply because people are from same generation does not automatically mean they will all share the same generational characteristics. That is why managers should treat every person individually, based on who this person really is, but not on whom he or she should be according to their belonging to any kind of groups or generations. Only doing that way, the company will be able to manage diversity in a right way.

In Jane Eyre love and marriage are important in different ways Essay

It is not personal, but mental endowments they have given you: you are formed for labour, not for love†¦I claim you not for my pleasure, but for my Sovereign’s service.† In the light of St John’s proposal, discuss the importance in Jane Eyre of love and marriage. In Jane Eyre love and marriage are important in different ways. In some relationships the two aspects are disconnected and in one they are eventually united. St John views marriage as a practical arrangement. ‘It is not personal’ shows that St John views marriage as separate from his emotions and love. This supported when he addresses his claim on her ‘for [his] Sovereign’s service.’ He feels that marrying Jane is something he has to do, and he is marrying her for the purpose of duty. This links to Victorian morality because marriage was generally viewed as something that was done for a purpose such as marrying for status, money or duty. The society would have frowned upon wild marriages based on love without a valid reason. Apart from St John’s loveless marriage principles, there are elements in the novel where love outweighs marriage, but eventually equalises which is reflected in Rochester and Jane’s relationship. There is also a passionate at first marriage which then becomes incomplete and loveless and this is shown through Bertha and Rochester’s marriage. St John and Jane’s relationship is one which is more associated with friendship, and the fact that they are cousins, that Jane is in love with Rochester, and St John is in love with Rosamond Oliver means that there is never any romantic link between the two. There is no love and Jane identifies this. ‘We did not love each other as man and wife should†¦we ought not to marry’ Jane’s views are very individualistic as society would have not have approved of her ideas that marriage should be the product of true love and passion. Of course St John disagrees with this idea and in fact thinks the opposite so his ideas of love and marriage correspond with those of society. He tells Jane that ‘[she] is formed for labour, not for love’ which is important because it highlights the reason he is marrying her. ‘Labour’ shows that he thinks that Jane is someone who would be a good missionary’s wife and potential child bearer but it suggests a very mundane style of living which is not what Jane wants. In some ways it seems as if St John is using her because the marriage doesn’t benefit her in any way. The verb ‘formed’ suggests that it is Jane’s destiny and fate to be a missionary’s wife. St John’s potential marriage to Jane is a direct contrast to if he was to marry Rosamond Oliver. ‘I love Rosamond Oliver so wildly†¦she would not make me a good wife.’ He loves Rosamond Oliver and his feelings towards her are passionate; the connotations on the adverb ‘wildly’ suggest not only passionate intensity but also that marrying Rosamond would be a wild, reckless decision. However as much as he loves her, his definition of a good wife is not someone who he loves and cares about but someone who is appropriate for his duty. The use, therefore, of St John’s proposal to Jane is a way of showing that he viewed the role of marriage as more important than love. Jane and Rochester’s relationship has three stages to it, which eventually, culminates in marriage. The first stage is their early relationship, which is filled with love and passion, but is also constantly bordered by social status. Jane and Rochester are kindred spirits ‘I feel akin to him’ there is a deeper connection immediately between the two which provides the basis of their love. On top of this the passion between the two of them is immense. ‘Come to the fire.’ When Rochester says this, it is an indication that he wants Jane to be closer and attracted to him.’ He represents the ‘fire’ and the passion which Jane’s life until then had been lacking. Rochester’s status is only due to experience but they are intellectually equal. Mr Rochester is used to giving orders and Jane receiving them. An important point however is Rochester’s constant portrayal of leaning on Jane. This evens out the social superiority he has over her, because each time he leans on her, and their relationship develops, Jane grows in social status. The next stage of their relationship is when Rochester proclaims his love for Jane and proposes.’ I summon you as my wife.’ This proposal can be compared to St John’s because even though both of them have the commanding tone, Rochester wants Jane for himself, not for duty. The verb ‘summon’ could indicate that that Rochester believes that being his wife is Jane’s destiny. Even though Jane accepts, she has doubts. These are amplified when she finds out about Bertha Mason. ‘Jane fears the â€Å"vapoury veil† that Jane Rochester will wear for an unequal marriage and secretly desires to tear it up; Bertha does it for her’ She is not willing to surrender her dignity for the sake of passion. In some ways the discovery of Bertha Mason is a blessing in disguise. She follows her head and not her heart and this leads to her leaving Thornfield, and Rochester. The final stage of their relationship is when Jane and Rochester eventually get married. ‘Reader, I married him.’ Their initial love and passion is still there but Jane’s inheritance and Rochester’s loss of Thornfield and loss of sight is what makes them more socially equal, though it seems Jane is now superior. The difference between this and the first time they were meant to marry, is that Jane develops, emotionally, mentally and financially, so the marriage is now more inclined to work. Also with Bertha Mason no longer alive, Jane doesn’t feel guilty and doesn’t have to go against the religious acceptance she has developed. The personal pronoun ‘I’ shows that this time it’s her decision because she is ready to marry him. The marriage is now egalitarian. Jane does not lose her independent spirit but it can be argued that ‘Jane does submit to the authority of her husband.’ Jane and Rochester’s relationship shows the perfect union of love and marriage. Bertha and Rochester’s marriage is one which represents passion at the start, which disappears and is replaces by hatred. They get married based on the initial passion. ‘I thought I loved her.’ Rochester acknowledges that he got married too quickly without getting to know about Bertha, or her life and family. He blames this on the naivety of youth, the pressure of society and his family’s greed for money. Bertha and Rochester’s marriage is significant because it seems to be the paradox for what Jane and Rochester’s marriage may have been similar too, had Jane decided to marry Rochester before. This is why Jane questions if she was mad if Rochester would have treated her similarly which she may have been if she had married Rochester and sacrificed her integrity. This is also shown when Jane says ‘I experienced a strange feeling as the key grated in the lock.’ This brings back memories of being locked in the red room for Jane. The verb ‘grated’ suggests it was something Jane was used to; a familiar sound. It also suggests that Jane knows what it was like to be under such restriction; there was no means of escape, and it finally shows that it was something which annoyed and upset Jane, which evoked similar but stronger feelings for Bertha. Jane has experienced a small sample of what Bertha experiences. So therefore Jane and Bertha share similarities and therefore Bertha can be seen as Jane’s antagonist. Bertha and Rochester’s relationship is one which has no love, and one where marriage is portrayed as inconvenient. Their marriage is not what a marriage should be. It can be said that their relationship lacks both love and a true marriage. In conclusion, love and marriage is important in Jane Eyre. St. John and Jane’s relationship is one where there is no love but one where marriage is still seen as a possibility for a purpose. Jane and Rochester’s relationship is one where the love and passion override a successful marriage but eventually the two are united equally. Finally, Bertha and Rochester’s relationship is one where there is some passion at first but it quickly dies and all that it is left is a hateful , empty marriage which offers a contrast to Jane and Rochester’s relationship.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Boolean Algebra

Basic Engineering Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates F Hamer, M Lavelle & D McMullan The aim of this document is to provide a short, self assessment programme for students who wish to understand the basic techniques of logic gates. c 2005 Email: chamer, mlavelle, [email  protected] ac. uk Last Revision Date: August 31, 2006 Version 1. 0 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Logic Gates (Introduction) Truth Tables Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra Boolean Algebra Final Quiz Solutions to Exercises Solutions to QuizzesThe full range of these packages and some instructions, should they be required, can be obtained from our web page Mathematics Support Materials. Section 1: Logic Gates (Introduction) 3 1. Logic Gates (Introduction) The package Truth Tables and Boolean Algebra set out the basic principles of logic. Any Boolean algebra operation can be associated with an electronic circuit in which the inputs and outputs represent the statements of Boolean algebra. Although these circuits may be com plex, they may all be constructed from three basic devices. These are the AND gate, the OR gate and the NOT gate. y AND gate x ·y x y OR gate x+y x NOT gate x In the case of logic gates, a di? erent notation is used: x ? y, the logical AND operation, is replaced by x  · y, or xy. x ? y, the logical OR operation, is replaced by x + y.  ¬x, the logical NEGATION operation, is replaced by x or x. The truth value TRUE is written as 1 (and corresponds to a high voltage), and FALSE is written as 0 (low voltage). Section 2: Truth Tables 4 2. Truth Tables x y x ·y x 0 0 1 1 Summary y x ·y 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 of AND gate x 0 0 1 1 Summary y x+y 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 of OR gate x y x+y x x 0 1 Summary of x 1 0 NOT gate Section 3: Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra 5 3. Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra The basic rules for simplifying and combining logic gates are called Boolean algebra in honour of George Boole (1815 – 1864) who was a self-educated English mathematician who developed many of t he key ideas. The following set of exercises will allow you to rediscover the basic rules: x Example 1 1 Consider the AND gate where one of the inputs is 1. By using the truth table, investigate the possible outputs and hence simplify the expression x  · 1.Solution From the truth table for AND, we see that if x is 1 then 1  · 1 = 1, while if x is 0 then 0  · 1 = 0. This can be summarised in the rule that x  · 1 = x, i. e. , x x 1 Section 3: Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra 6 Example 2 x 0 Consider the AND gate where one of the inputs is 0. By using the truth table, investigate the possible outputs and hence simplify the expression x  · 0. Solution From the truth table for AND, we see that if x is 1 then 1  · 0 = 0, while if x is 0 then 0  · 0 = 0. This can be summarised in the rule that x  · 0 = 0 x 0 0Section 3: Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra 7 Exercise 1. (Click on the green letters for the solutions. ) Obtain the rules for simplifying the logical expressions x (a) x + 0 which corresponds to the logic gate 0 (b) x + 1 which corresponds to the logic gate x 1 Exercise 2. (Click on the green letters for the solutions. ) Obtain the rules for simplifying the logical expressions: x (a) x + x which corresponds to the logic gate (b) x  · x which corresponds to the logic gate x Section 3: Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra 8 Exercise 3. Click on the green letters for the solutions. ) Obtain the rules for simplifying the logical expressions: (a) x + x which corresponds to the logic gate x (b) x  · x which corresponds to the logic gate x Quiz Simplify the logical expression (x ) represented by the following circuit diagram. x (a) x (b) x (c) 1 (d) 0 Section 3: Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra 9 Exercise 4. (Click on the green letters for the solutions. ) Investigate the relationship between the following circuits. Summarise your conclusions using Boolean expressions for the circuits. x y x y (a) (b) x y x yThe important relations developed in the above exer cise are called De Morgan’s theorems and are widely used in simplifying circuits. These correspond to rules (8a) and (8b) in the table of Boolean identities on the next page. Section 4: Boolean Algebra 10 4. Boolean Algebra (1a) x ·y = y ·x (1b) x+y = y+x (2a) x  · (y  · z) = (x  · y)  · z (2b) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z (3a) x  · (y + z) = (x  · y) + (x  · z) (3b) x + (y  · z) = (x + y)  · (x + z) (4a) x ·x = x (4b) x+x = x (5a) x  · (x + y) = x (5b) x + (x  · y) = x (6a) x ·x = 0 (6b) x+x = 1 (7) (x ) = x (8a) (x  · y) = x + y (8b) (x + y) = x  · ySection 4: Boolean Algebra 11 These rules are a direct translation into the notation of logic gates of the rules derived in the package Truth Tables and Boolean Algebra. We have seen that they can all be checked by investigating the corresponding truth tables. Alternatively, some of these rules can be derived from simpler identities derived in this package. Example 3 Show how rule (5a) can be deriv ed from the basic identities derived earlier. Solution x  · (x + y) = = = = = x  · x + x  · y using (3a) x + x  · y using (4a) x  · (1 + y) using (3a) x  · 1 using Exercise 1 x as required. Exercise 5. Click on the green letter for the solution. ) (a) Show how rule (5b) can be derived in a similar fashion. Section 4: Boolean Algebra 12 The examples above have all involved at most two inputs. However, logic gates can be put together to join an arbitrary number of inputs. The Boolean algebra rules of the table are essential to understand when these circuits are equivalent and how they may be simpli? ed. Example 4 Let us consider the circuits which combine three inputs via AND gates. Two di? erent ways of combining them are x y z and x y z x  · (y  · z) (x  · y)  · z Section 4: Boolean Algebra 13However, rule (2a) states that these gates are equivalent. The order of taking AND gates is not important. This is sometimes drawn as a three (or more! ) input AND gate x y z x ·y ·z but really this just means repeated use of AND gates as shown above. Exercise 6. (Click on the green letter for the solution. ) (a) Show two di? erent ways of combining three inputs via OR gates and explain why they are equivalent. This equivalence is summarised as a three (or more! ) input OR gate x y z x+y+z this just means repeated use of OR gates as shown in the exercise. Section 5: Final Quiz 14 5. Final Quiz Begin Quiz 1.Select the Boolean expression that is not equivalent to x  · x + x  · x (a) x  · (x + x ) (b) (x + x )  · x (c) x (d) x 2. Select the expression which is equivalent to x  · y + x  · y  · z (a) x  · y (b) x  · z (c) y  · z (d) x  · y  · z 3. Select the expression which is equivalent to (x + y)  · (x + y ) (a) y (b) y (c) x (d) x 4. Select the expression that is not equivalent to x  · (x + y) + y (a) x  · x + y  · (1 + x) (b) 0 + x  · y + y (c) x  · y (d) y End Quiz Solutions to Exercises 15 Solutions to Exercise s Exercise 1(a) From the truth table for OR, we see that if x is 1 then 1 + 0 = 1, while if x is 0 then 0 + 0 = 0.This can be summarised in the rule that x + 0 = x x 0 Click on the green square to return x Solutions to Exercises 16 Exercise 1(b) From the truth table for OR we see that if x is 1 then 1 + 1 = 1, while if x is 0 then 0 + 1 = 1. This can be summarised in the rule that x + 1 = 1 x 1 Click on the green square to return 1 Solutions to Exercises 17 Exercise 2(a) From the truth table for OR, we see that if x is 1 then x + x = 1 + 1 = 1, while if x is 0 then x + x = 0 + 0 = 0. This can be summarised in the rule that x + x = x x x Click on the green square to return Solutions to Exercises 18Exercise 2(b) From the truth table for AND, we see that if x is 1 then x  · x = 1  · 1 = 1, while if x is 0 then x  · x = 0  · 0 = 0. This can be summarised in the rule that x  · x = x x x Click on the green square to return Solutions to Exercises 19 Exercise 3(a) From the truth t able for OR, we see that if x is 1 then x + x = 1 + 0 = 1, while if x is 0 then x + x = 0 + 1 = 1. This can be summarised in the rule that x + x = 1 x 1 Click on the green square to return Solutions to Exercises 20 Exercise 3(b) From the truth table for AND, we see that if x is 1 then x  · x = 1  · 0 = 0, while if x is 0 then x  · x = 0  · 1 = 0.This can be summarised in the rule that x  · x = 0 x 0 Click on the green square to return Solutions to Exercises 21 Exercise 4(a) The truth tables are: x y x y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 x y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 x+y 0 1 1 1 x 1 1 0 0 y 1 0 1 0 (x + y) 1 0 0 0 x  ·y 1 0 0 0 x y From these we deduce the identity x y (x + y) = x y x  ·y Click on the green square to return Solutions to Exercises 22 Exercise 4(b) The truth tables are: x y x y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 x y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 x ·y 0 0 0 1 x 1 1 0 0 y 1 0 1 0 (x  · y) 1 1 1 0 x +y 1 1 1 0 x y From these we deduce the identity x y (x  · y) = x y x +y Click on the green square to returnSoluti ons to Exercises 23 Exercise 5(a) x+x ·y = x  · (1 + y) using (3a) = x  · 1 using Exercise 1 = x as required. Solutions to Exercises 24 Exercise 6(a) Two di? erent ways of combining them are x y z and x y z However, rule (2b) states that these gates are equivalent. The order of taking OR gates is not important. x + (y + z) (x + y) + z Solutions to Quizzes 25 Solutions to Quizzes Solution to Quiz: From the truth table for NOT we see that if x is 1 then (x ) = (1 ) = (0) = 1, while if x is 0 then (x ) = (0 ) = (1) = 0. This can be summarised in the rule that (x ) = x x x End Quiz Test: â€Å"Study Guide Algebra†

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critical analysis paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Critical analysis paper - Assignment Example n of this is an extremely dynamic system of world politics that triggers massive changes for every little disturbance in virtually all sectors (Howarth 78). Referring to world politics, the recent past has seen a handful of events that is already shaping international perspectives. The Arab Spring is a key event that spurred an entire revolution in the Arab world. The Spring saw demonstrations and protests to the authorities that eventually necessitated some of them to relinquish power. Violence escalated, and the public outcry for a change in regime and system of governance could not be ignored. Quite evidently, the discomfort occasioned to the authorities as a consequence of the Arab Spring may have been hard to ignore, but again, it is not like they had any choice. A case in point is the Libyan dictator Gaddafi, who tried to ignore the revolutionary wave and was dislodged from power in very unceremonious circumstances. In a similar vein, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak found himself facing a revolt in what came to be known as the Egyptian revolution of 2011. He however gave in to pressure and quit power. The aggressive nature of Egyptians resurfaced in 2013 when they staged protests against the then president as a result of discontent with the administration. Elections held in 2014 were touted as the most democratic in the recent past for a nation known for political instability. The current president won with a resounding 97% of the votes cast. Definitely from this figures, one can unearth a trend of dislodging individuals who are more inclined towards tyrant behavior from power, and vesting leadership rights upon those that appear to represent their wishes and aspirations fully. A sharp contrast to the above two scenarios is seen when evaluating the US and European elections. The European and U.S elections were marred with little violence, and it was more of a peaceful transition. The prevalence of peace, however, was a consequence of free and fair elections in

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Constructions of gender,sexuality,and the family in indian religions Movie Review

Constructions of gender,sexuality,and the family in indian religions and cultures - Movie Review Example Deepa Mehta, a Canadian-Indian filmmaker has tackled this issue with a new dimension by producing a controversial movie, Fire. When the film was released in India in 1997, it caused a major uproar with Hindu fanatics burning down the cinemas and attacking the cast. The film story revolves around the relationship between two middle class Indian women, Radha and Sita, living in Delhi, the capital of India. The house is ‘ruled’ by the elder brother Ashok, who is also the husband of Radha. Sita is married to Jatin, younger brother of Ashok. As per the Indian family system norms, they all live in an old joint family house running their convenience store and video rental business. Ashok is into celibacy and has rescinded from the sexual life to attain spiritual purification. He mostly keeps to himself and remains aloof from the issues faced by his wife and other family members. Unlike the traditional Indian male culture, where the head of a family is fully aware of his family’s situation and actually control the course of events, Ashok has taken a back seat. Jatin, on the other hand, is a typical young Indian urbanite who does not take care of family rules. He is involved with a Chinese masseur and keeps this affair as a tightly guarded secret. He thinks that a wife has the only purpose of serving his husband and reproduce. Men should seek extra-marital affairs to fulfill their sexual desires. This behavior is typical of Indian men who are wary of arranged marriages. Parents arrange an overwhelming majority of marriages in India and in many cases; parents do not even ask the opinion of their children, especially daughters. Then we have Mundu, the lone employee at the store who doubles as a domestic help. He is an aged, single person with a penchant for watching porn (that is easily available from their video store) and masturbating in front of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Film analysis ( The road home ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film analysis ( The road home ) - Essay Example As Stephen Holden maintains, â€Å"Zhang Yimou’s tenderhearted film ‘The Road Home’ is a cinematic ballad of such seamless construction and exquisite tonal balance it transcends most of the pitfalls of movies that aspire to a classic, lyric simplicity.† (Holden) Therefore, it is indubitable that the movie The Road Home will be remembered for its interesting theme, filmic treatment and skillful film-production, and the splendid performances from its cast. In a careful review of the movie The Road Home, it becomes lucid that the major theme of this work of art is the tender love in rural China between a country girl and a young teacher. The major theme and the plot of the film are interconnected as the latter reveals the intensity and depth of the love that the major characters share. The film presents the meaningful relationship between these rural characters as the teacher’s death at the end of the story brings their son back from the big city for th e funeral. Significantly, the film-maker has been careful in presenting the nature as one of the most crucial characters in the film and the major themes of the movie are closely connected to the relevance of nature. It is important to realize that the movie also exhibits an awe-inspiring sense of a purifying return to nature.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change of Substance Abuse Research Paper

Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change of Substance Abuse - Research Paper Example Individuals engaged in this need help since engaging in substance abuse is absolutely based on one’s will. Using the Transtheoretical model a person’s willingness to accept change in behavior can be measured and efforts can be made to move the person through all the stages of change and help adopt a new behavior. The principles of this theory can be applied, to help a person progress through each of the stages and finally discard the habit of substance abuse thereby leading a healthier life. The rate at which substance abuse has grown in the recent years is of major concern. According to the National survey of Drug use and health (2013),23.9 million Americans of age 12 and above used illicit drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin etc while 23% of Americans were binge alcohol drinkers and almost 69.5 million Americas used tobacco (NSDUH,2013). However, the numbers are expected to grow rapidly judging by the current trends. Taking too much of drugs or alcohol has detrimental impacts on the person’s health especially on the brain. Scientific studies have shown that prolonged usage of substances such as drugs stimulates the brain leading to addiction and becomes a relapsing brain disorder (Lashner, 1997, p45). The condition of drug abuse poses a threat not only to the user’s health but also to that of others. Risks such as violence, child abuse, criminal activities, car accidents, teenage pregnancy, STD’s, suicide are associated to the condition (Wagn er, 2001, 115). The problem of substance abuse is associated with certain alterations or modifications in ones behavior. In most people depression in life, lack of decision making ability, lack of judgment, anxiety over certain issues, over dependence on drugs, peer pressure, lack of self confidence, physical dependence, personal problems are the major behaviors that leads to substance abuse. Changes in certain behaviors would promote a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Risk and Return Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Risk and Return - Assignment Example According to CAPM, r = Rf +? (Km - Rf ) Where r= Expected return of the security Rf = Risk free rate ?=beta of the security Km= expected return of the market RA= 0.06+0.27(0.25-0.06) =0.1113 =11.13% RB =0.06+0.75(0.25-0.06) =0.2025 =20.25% Characteristic Lines of Securities A and B The SCL:Ri,t -Rf =?i +?i (RM,t - Rf ) + diversifiable risk ? is the excess return ?i (RM,t - Rf ) represents the non diversifiable risk The security characteristics line is drawn to show the excess return of the investment over that that of the market. The y-axis represents the excess return over the risk free rate. The x-axis represents the excess return over the market in general. The slope of the SCL represents the beta of the individual security. The main reason for the determination of the security characteristics line is to show the performance of a security relative to that of the market. Investors who want to put their finances in investments are interested in securities that will pose performance that is higher than the market or is at par with that of the market. From the slope of the security characteristics line, it is easier for investors to see the alpha of the security and also to compare the performance of the security relative to others. Moreover, a security characteristics line reveals the quantity of both the systematic and unsystematic risk (Roll & Ross 1980). Systematic risks are those that cannot be minimized through diversification and the investors must avoid investments with higher systematic risk. Likewise, the level of unsystematic risk can also be revealed from the diagram. To interpret the diagrams, the lines with high gradients re taken to have a higher beta factor and are therefore more risky than those with lower gradients. At the same time, the return of securities with higher gradients will exhibit high return level. In the diagram as well, the y-intercept represents the alpha value i.e. the excess of the return of an investments over the risk free r ate of return (Roll & Ross 1980). On the other hand, the x-intercept represents the excess of the security return over that of the market. A security with a high value of X-intercept has a higher return than those of the lower x-intercept values. It is therefore clear that a security characteristics line is an important tool that investors rely on when making investment decisions and should be able to help in the making of investment decisions. The security characteristics line therefore reveals the properties of the respective securities. Question 2 The arbitrage pricing theory is an asset pricing model that was developed due to the limitations of the capital asset pricing model. APT is a multifactor model that considers the various macroeconomic factors affecting the pricing of a security (Roll & Ross 1980). In this model, the risk free rate is added to all the macroeconomic factors affecting the pricing of the asset with each factor having its own beta. According to the arbitrage pricing theory, the return of a security is determined by the formula: r= Rf + ?2F2+ ?3F3+†¦..+ ?nFn Where r=return of a security ? i’s=betas of respective factors Fi’s= macroeconomic factors affecting the returns The APT is therefore a multifactor model and the arbitrage process is the selling of the inefficient securities in inefficient markets in order to maximize the return on the assets. In this process the overvalued assets are sold in order to get the profits and undervalued

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Fitness Movement in the USA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fitness Movement in the USA - Assignment Example Several fitness businesses ranging from small storefronts to multipurpose clubs, women-only bastions to muscle gyms dotted the sporting landscape. Stand-alone clubs donated the industry until the twentieth century when the industry was transformed by the large centrally owned chains. According to Costa & Guthrie (1994), the last decade of the twentieth century was depicted by the formation of â€Å"Chandlerian† core, a contrast to the peripheral industry. The fitness movement thrived successfully in an environment that gifted collective individualism; an environment where the labor of public exercise initiated individual virtue. The shifting gender relations and the interest of women and men in molding a fit toned but healthy body were the founding issues of the movement (Costa & Guthrie, 1994).   In conclusion, the fitness movement focused on health and individuals’ responses to building self-esteem. The movement serves a positive and vital need while focussing on profits from people and depend on insecurities and the desire to have a glimpse at commercially constructed images of aesthetic value. The images of beauty taking the form of fitness in hyper-competitive, zero-sum, winner-take-all environment with an evanescent mirage security lead to deteriorating human happiness.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Capstone Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Capstone Project - Essay Example Identify a problem, issue or educational deficit upon which to build a proposal for change. Several children have been repeatedly brought to Kansas Hospital due to incidents of frequently repeating infections such as pneumonia, pyelonephritis and soft tissue infections to name a few (Zarbock, 2005). Symptoms of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, fatigue and increased frequency of infections were also observed from the young patients (Banaga-Perez, 2008). The children were taken to undergo a more accurate assessment for the possibility of having diabetes. Indeed, most of them go back and forth to the hospital because they are positive with Type 1 Diabetes. This incidence has been increasing for the past years. Parents of the patients have been agitated on the medical condition that their children are facing. They also have learned that Type 1 diabetes or Juvenile Onset Diabetes has put their children in a delicate condition that it is actually life-threatening if not prope rly treated. Since there is no known cure yet for diabetes, its management, especially when implemented in a home setting, is critical. However, more Type 1 Diabetes patients have been diagnosed in the hospital. Families of patients have become stressed and worried on the fact that it is a serious disease that have made the children suffer and some had near-death experience. The nursing team of Kansas Hospital has then decided that Type 1 Diabetes patients and their families need more assistance aside from the medical attention they require. They knew that because of the prevalence of the disease, it can affect many people in various settings. That whether a patient has been hospitalized for another case, they cannot just administer any medicine or treatment if the patient is diabetic. Thus the nursing care they provide becomes more complex specializing on the needs of a diabetic patient. To address more appropriately the needs of increasing diabetic patients, the nursing team decid ed to initiate a Diabetes Clinic within the hospital. The Diabetes Clinic aims to provide and disseminate more information to the patients and their families, and also other people who may be concerned about this disease. It aims to educate its stakeholders on proper management of Type 1 diabetes so home care can be done effectively especially that diabetes is largely a patient-managed disease (Zarbock, 2005). The Diabetes Clinic also aims to provide motivation to the patients and their relatives about the perseverance to care for their health and that all their efforts will produce good results. The nurses will inform them about the new medicines, intervention programmes and treatments available and, how this can be appropriate their specific cases. Importantly, being able to help patients handle diabetes management in a less stressful manner is also the goal of the team. They understand that diabetes complications include emotional shifting as well leading to anger, frustration an d fear and this affects the

Human Resources Turnover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resources Turnover - Essay Example Employee turnover can be good or bad its good when voluntary and involuntary terminations involve non-performers whose resignation will be in the interest of the organization. It is bad when a good performer leaves the organization for some reason to begin the search for replacement. Searching of talented employees and training them for the job is very expensive for an organization. It is called turnover cost in this case employee turn over is bad for their smooth working. â€Å"The average cost of labor turnover in 2002 for the UK is  £4,301 per leaver. The costs of turnover are highest for managers ( £6,807), followed by professionals ( £5,864). For Ireland, the average cost of staff turnover is  £4,927.† Experienced and skilled employees can get a good job easily. But a loss of this type of employees is bad for an organization It is obvious that a talented and experienced employee, it not compensated well in terms of salary and career growth, will quit him position and seek another job. Therefore turn over is inevitable. In the case of voluntary turnover, it is manageable. â€Å"Retention of skilled employees is expensive getting the right people in every position will increase retention expenditure.† When labor turnover becomes good for an organization when a bad performer is sacked from the organization’s view in competitive work environment a low-level performer is a liability and he needs expensive training. It involves lots of overheads to the organization. HR turnover becomes a costly affair for companies in terms of the expenditure and recruitment, training etc.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Best Practices Essay Example for Free

Best Practices Essay Historically, minority groups have been ardent supporters of and advocates for high-quality public education. Black efforts to gain systemic equality in educational policies and practices are well known: the battles for equal per-pupil expenditures; teachers’ salaries; length of school terms; expenditures for buildings, facilities, equipment, and books; curricular offerings; and so on. As a result of these efforts and of political and economic changes nationally and internationally, progress has been made with respect to ending legally imposed school segregation, as well as increasing minority participation in schooling for longer periods of time, that is, raising the median years of schooling completed. This paper aims to identify three best practices which assist the educational progress of minorities. Since public school desegregation began in the mid-1960s, urban school improvement is considered to be one of the most contributing factors for the progress of minorities in educational sector. Black educators and their likeminded allies have increasingly taken the lead in urban school improvement. One facet of this movement has been the study of schools that are effectively educating urban poor black children and making recommendations to other schools that want to replicate effective policies and programs. Researchers like Ronald R. Edmonds, George Weber and Daniel U. Levine began by identifying public schools that were effectively teaching black children and pinpointed their common characteristics, namely strong administrative leadership; orderly but flexible atmosphere, conducive to instruction; philosophy that acquiring basic academic skills is the first order of business; climate of high expectations, and continuous monitoring and evaluation of pupil progress with instructional strategies redesigned as needed (Mohanty, 1994). Achievements of urban school improvements were particularly evident in the middle of 1990s, for instance the data indicated significant increase in New York schools where 70 percent or more of the students â€Å"achieved reading scores at or above grade level for three years† (Iram Wahrman, 2003:119). The second important practice contributing to educational progress of minorities is initiation and further development of various improvement projects targeting directly minority students and their teachers. In the beginning of 1990s for instance, Chicago instituted a plan for mastery learning in reading to correct the widespread problem of low reading achievement. The program provided teachers with comprehensive instructional activities, corresponding student learning activities, formative tests for instructional feedback, and corrective instructional activities for those students who failed to master objectives. A criterion referenced testing program served as the basis for instruction, promotion, and administrative monitoring (Bjork et al, 1994). The New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) in 1996 instituted a School Effectiveness Training Program designed to increase student achievement. The results from this program showed lower staff absenteeism, higher participation of staff in instructional decisions, greater involvement of staff in school activities, reduced costs for vandalism, better management, and higher staff and student morale (McNeely, 1985). The final practice, very important in terms of progress performed by minorities in education is giving a preference to private schooling than public. It must be emphasized that during the past two decades it has become increasingly apparent that larger numbers of minority adults are selecting nonpublic schools for their young. In their desire to obtain the best possible education for their young, they choose private schools, including minority independent schools. These parents say they believe private schools provide their children with better basic skills instruction, cultivate higher order thinking skills, have higher academic standards, and prepare their children for college or the work place more successfully. School improvement for them means leaving public schools. As Slaughter and Schneider points out (1986:17) black parents’ choice of private schools is â€Å"less of a rejection of public schooling, and more of an evolution of a new strategy for insuring future levels of sustained and/or upward mobility for the family. † Increased minority departure from public schools, however, may mean that the more supportive, motivated, caring, and accomplished parents and their children (regardless of income) are not involved in the public school system and that the system is the loser in the process (Henig et al. , 1999). From the critical perspective, minority individuals and communities must consider the costs and benefits of education in nonpublic schools compared with education in public schools not only for themselves, but for the nation at large. At the same time, public schools must make more headway in school improvement if they want to retain the traditional support they have long enjoyed from black families. Many minority students can attain standards of excellence if school improvement policies and programs such as those described above are retained, consistently used, refined, and modified. Individual schools will find that their achievement levels and test scores improve, and that many of them can attain local and national norms even if their populations are poor, or black, or Hispanic, or both. These standards can be achieved without excluding any student from an equal opportunity to be educated. Our country still has a long way to go to realize equity in the schoolrooms of our nation. All students need an equal chance to learn, which means providing equity in financing schools and programs; providing competent, caring teachers; retaining proven, compensatory programs and relating curriculum subject matter to coping with real-life situations and problems. References Bjork L. et al (1994). Minorities in Higher Education, Oryx Press Henig J. , Hula R. , Orr M. , Pedescleaux D. (1999). The Color of School Reform: Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education, Princeton University Press Iram Y. Wahrman H. (2003). Education of Minorities and Peace Education in Pluralistic Societies, Hillel; Praeger, 2003 Mohanty, C. T. (1994). On Race and Voice: Challenges for Liberal Education in the 1990s. In H. A. Giroux and P. McLaren (Eds. ), Between Borders: Pedagogy and the Politics of Cultural Studies (145-166). New York: Routledge Slaughter D. T. , Schneider B. L. (1986). Newcomers: Blacks in private schools. Final Report to the National Institute of Education (Grant No. NIE-G-82-0040, Project No. 2- 0450). Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, School of Education

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Teamwork In Hospitality Industry

Teamwork In Hospitality Industry You have recently joined a large organisation as an assistant to the Human Resource Manager. The Manager, Jayne Staines is very concerned about the way that the staffs do not appear to be working effectively as a team, relying more on individual effort. Jayne has decided to run a series of seminars on team effectiveness and has asked you to research into the operation of teams within the Tourism and Hospitality industry. The division of a company that is focused on activities relating to employees. These activities normally including recruiting and hiring of new employees, orientation and training of current employees, employee benefits, and retention (, 2010) Human resource is the most difficult work in all departments but it is the most important and necessary for the organization. The whole department is made to maintain the proper place for the human within the organization. It is very important in the tourism and hospitality industry. So, the person who work in human recourse is called a human resource (HR) manager, he/ she should be very equal to the task. Staffing is the main and hard job for the HR manager. Human resource manager should be well educated and may have knowledge about the how to handle the problem when recruiting and hiring of new employee. And he/she have to be able to handle a crisis in a smooth and discreet manner. If in the hotel, there is a proper human resource management (HRM), the hotel will run smoothly and can achieve its goal. There are several different areas in HRM is very important they are as follows, When recruiting and hiring the new employee the human resource manager should be very careful when choosing the new staff for the hotel. The manager should choose the person who is very smart, dedicated to work and suitable for the job. Employee progression and promotion is another large issue for the hotel industry. For the progress and promotion the employee should be well trained in some skills. The manager should provide the personal skill training for the advanced position. Providing training and orientation to the new employee how to work in the organisation and orientation of the hotel is to provide the knowledge to the new employee by showing them the hotel as a whole. 1.2 DEFINITION OF TEAMWORK AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY The process of working collaboratively with a group of people, in order to achieve a goal. Teamwork is often a crucial part of a business, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to corporate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals. A majority of a people organized to achieve a common goal is called team. Without the team no work can be done or can be success. The cooperative effort of a team is called teamwork. It plays a vital role in hospitality industry without the effective teamwork no work can be success. Teamwork means a majority of people using the individual skills and cooperative effort to achieve a common goal of the business. To maintain standard, quality and the good service of the hospitality business there should be the teamwork. Sometime, the individual shouldnt able to make a decision towards the problem which arises in the hospitality industry such as the decreasing rate of the share of the industry that time, if they create a meeting of the shareholder and try to control the decreasing rate of the share by discussing in the favour of the industry. They can implement the problem with the help of the team member and find out the problem where is the crucial point they have to focus. In this way they can solve there problem by teamwork.So, Teamwork is the very important in the hospitality industry. 2. THE STRUCTURE OF TEAMS IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY (May Lilly, 2005) A team structure is a design in which an organization is made up of teams, and each team works towards a common goal. In the Tourism and Hospitality industry, the organisation designs the team structure to achieve the common goal. And the goal is to provide a good service to the customer, make them satisfied. For this, there should be well design team structure which helps team to perform effectively. Since, the organization is made up of groups to perform the functions of the company, teams must perform well because they are held accountable for their performance. To, be a successful, program team must coordinate its activities and interdependent deliveries, effectively communicate what is being accomplished as well as roadblocks, and collectively solve problems and make decisions that support the program objectives. (Beverly Amer, 2009) For this, there are many types of teams in an organization. The easiest way to classify teams is in the term of created as part of the organizations formal structure and those created to increase employee participation. Vertical team structure,: A vertical team sometimes called a functional team, has a manager and subordinate workers from the same department in the companys hierarchy who works together to accomplish everyday work tasks. The member is in charge and directs the workers as they complete their tasks. This type of team has a much longer life because the work is not single-goal oriented. Horizontal team structure: A horizontal team has members from roughly the same level within an organization. Virtual team structure: A virtual team is one whose members rarely, if ever, meet in person to work on team tasks.Instead, technology makes it possible for members to be geographically distant yet work as if everyone was in the same room. All the above mentioned three types of team structure helps to maintain the relationship between the team member .It helps to organize the company in right way to run smoothly and helps to achieve the goal. In the hospitality business, it is the most important things to minimise the problem, which arise without the good team structure. If there is the team structure, every team member knows what their job is and how to accomplish the work tasks. Team structure managed the working system of the company. In tourism and hospitality industry customers are the main priority. If they are satisfied the company will run smoothly and make a profit. Therefore, to run the Tourism and hospitality industry smoothly there should be the well managed team structure. 3. THE PURPOSE OF TEAMS IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY The hospitality business main motive is to achieve the goal of the business and to satisfy the customers. There should be the well team structure for the well manage working environment in the business. The purpose of creating teams is to provide the framework that will increase the ability of employees to participate in planning, problem solving and decision making to better serve customers. (, 2010) Purpose is a vital ingredient of a successful team. It gives the team direction and offers each member a sense of value and commitment. In the hospitality industry the purpose of creating teams is to provide the framework which helps to increase the ability of employee. Purpose of teams in tourism and hospitality industry is as follows, Better understanding of decisions It helps employee increasing the participation in better understanding of decisions. Team of the hospitality industry have to make a decision when implementing the problem which arises in the hospitality industry. They should have to make the right decision to solve the problem. Creating team is to provide a teamwork That increases the ability of employee to more support and participation in implementation plans to better serve to customers. Increase competition to problem solving and decision making It creates the competition and increase the better performance of team member on problem serving and for the correct decision towards the tasks. More ownership of decisions, processes ,and changes Improving the more ownership nature while making the decision, processing the tasks and creating the changes while needed within the tasks. Above mentioned point is the purpose of team an organization. In the hospitality industry al the purpose of teams are same as above mentioned. Purpose of teams create a better performance of employee in planning, decision making and implement the tasks of the industry to better serve customers. 4. THE FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEAM IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY (Takanomi Ltd, 2010) At first it is very necessary to understand the factors that impact the performance of the team when improving teams effectiveness. Then after the team member can determine when and what team development is needed. To function effectively they must manage how they interact with the rest of the organisation. In Richard Beckhard (optimising Team Building efforts, Journal of contemporary Business, summer 1972) states that for teams to be effective they must manage four areas internal to the team: goal, roles, processes and relationships.Futher research has identified a fifth factor impacting performance: how the team manages its interaction with the organisational environment. Within these factors is a hierarchy with some factors affecting all of the others. These all five factors become the focus of the manager who wants to raise team performance, because teams that effectively manage these areas function more effectively than teams that do not. The five factors that influence the effectiveness of team are as follows, Goal is the main thing which the team have to accomplish. To be effective team, they have to aware about the goal and have to manage it. There should be the clear definition of the goal, understand and communicated with all other members. There should be amount of ownership of team goals. The extent to which goals are shared and which are conflict. If the goals are unclear or not communicate, it affects the team and the goals should not be achievable. Roles define who does what on the team. There are several questions like as, What they or other members have to do to accomplish the task? What is their responsibility towards the tasks and what is the limitation of authority? These questions should be in the members mind when accomplishing the task. There should be the discussion between new and old team member for defining the roles and responsibilities. Difference expections may occur conflict among team members when two or more team members working together. Work Processes is the way how members work together. Once the team members know about the goal and the roles, they must determine how they will work together. In the several working method they have to consider like as, when making decision all the team members have to participate. There should be the knowledge about to whom, by what method, when and how frequently they communicate each other. When organizing the meeting -what is the team trying to accomplish? There should be the leaders to take a decision towards the situation. If the meetings are poorly attended by the team member and the decision making is dominated by one or two people and take action without informing among member, it should be ineffectiveness team. Relationship is the quality how to interact among the team members. When working as a team member there should be the good working relationship between the team members. Sometimes there should be the conflict arise of the bad personality. That time manager has to take action to solve the conflict. If there is the feeling of competitive between the team member and the personality conflicts will harm to the team and create a partition in the team. Environmental Influences is the factor which effects the organization and the outside on team performance. The policies and procedures and systems within an organization can either support or hinder a teams effectiveness. Such as giving the reward system individually not to the all team memners.Because of this the member doesnt effort to accomplish the task effectively. In the Tourism and hospitality industry all the 5 factors are Goal, Roles, Work Processes, Relationship and Environmental influences influence the effectiveness of teams. PART 2: TEAMWORK AT ORIENTAL BUFFET 5. INTRODUCTION Oriental Buffet is known as variety of food in one place. With more than 50 dishes available, there should be something to suit every taste. There are Indian and Thai curries alongside traditional Chinese food, as well as range of Singaporean and Malaysian food, including crispy duck, prawns and mussels which are available in the evenings. Amber gurung is the owner of the oriental buffet and there is no share holder of the restaurant. It is located at 18-20 Rendezvous street, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1RW which is in the central of town. It is a very successful buffet restaurant and more then five years, it has built an enviable reputation among its loyal customers. [Oriental Buffet, 2010] Oriental Buffet, [2010] says the teamwork in the restaurant helps to provide the good service to the customer which increases the restaurant sells. Here, staffs from different country works, thats how it is called the industry of multicultural. All the staffs are well trained by the restaurant so as to reduce the conflict among the people or staffs. Here the members are working as teamwork. They support and help each other while working together. 5.1 ROLES AND RESPONSOBILITIES OF TEAM IN ORIENTAL BUFFET Teamwork is very important in any organization for its good operation. The relationship between the staff member should be good. If one staff is over loaded when restaurant is busy and the other help him to provide the fast and good service to the customer. Oriental buffet is serve the variety food of different countries to the customer .To provide the good service and quality food to the customer there should be effective teamwork. Otherwise the customers unsatisfied and it does create loss in business. In the Oriental buffet, there are classifications of staff member such as, Manager, Assistant Manager, bar staffs, kitchen staffs, floor staffs. They all work in a team and try to implement the problem by discussion and making the right decision when needed. Roles of the team member play a vital role to create an effective teamwork. In the Oriental buffet the relationship among the staff member is very nice. So, for the effective teamwork the team member have to familiar with their roles and responsibilities. Each and every member role is effective in the buffet. Some of the roles of team member are as follows, Listen to the manager and supervisor and stay open to their ideas. Assist the team leader with managing meetings and with discussions. Communicate effectively with colleagues. Dedicated to the work and share the knowledge to implement the problem arise Roles and responsibilities are related each other. A role comes first and then responsibility take placed. Every staff has their particular role in the company and their responsibility as well. The manager of buffet manages the whole working process and assist as a leader. In the buffet, the manager role is to supervise the working process of every staff in their own field and his/ her responsibility is to manage the working process of staffs. Manager has to examine in every field such as bar section, kitchen section and floor section. His responsibility is handling the problem, which arise within the restaurant, look after the working process of the staffs (the work is done by the staff or not).If any customer complain about the service of the restaurant he/she have to solve the problem in a descent way. When providing the good service to the customer, every staff should have to play their effective role and responsibility in their filed. In the buffet, the entire staff member work in a team and they focus on the providing the quality food and good service to the customer. All the staffs work as a team to effective performance of the restaurant. So, all staff has their role and responsibility in their field within the restaurant. 5.2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND THE TEAM OBJECTIVES (Nick Heap, 2004) Objectives are the specific goal that the team will accomplish in a fixed amount of time. These objectives flow the teams purpose. Each one moves you toward your vision. It supports the teams vision and purpose and the company or Department objectives. Team objectives are the specific goal that the team will accomplish in a fixed amount of time. It is the basis of the teams planned work. To perform the work effectively and accomplish the goal of the company at the time frame, the team objective should be there. Team objectives are very important because it provide the basis for talent and resource planning. Every work can be done properly when there are plans for the work done. The team objectives are the specific goal and the team member role and responsibility is to achieve the goal by effective performance and in a fixed amount of time. So, the relationship between the team objectives and its role and responsibility is very important in an organization. Team objectives support the teams vision and purpose and they are the basis of the teams planned work. If the employee gets the starting point for their objectives set as part of the performance management process, they can easily implement their tasks and can success to achieve the goal. In the Oriental buffet, the team objectives is to make the customer happy and satisfied and run the business smoothly and to make the profit.Therefore,the staffs work in a team by helping each other to work effectively and perform well. Making the profit by selling the food of the buffet and satisfied the customers. Oriental buffet serve the quality food and good service to the customer in affordable price. Every customer visit the restaurant because buffet provide the variety of food and good service .For the providing the good service all staffs has to know their role and responsibilities and team objectives. 5.3 IDENTIFY LINES OF AUTHORITY AND EXPLAIN THEIR PURPOSE (, 2008) Line authority is the most fundamental authority within an organization, reflects existing superior- subordinate relationships. It consists of the right to make decisions and to give order concerning the production, sales or finance related behaviour of subordinates. Line authority is a power to give advice, support and service to line departments. Staff manager dont command others. Line manager are responsible for attaining the organizations goals as efficiently as possible. Line authority flows down the chain of commands. Line authority is the right to carry out assignments and exact performance from other individuals. For example, line authority gives a production supervisor the right to direct an employee to operate a particular machine, and it gives the vice president of finance the right to request a certain report from a department head. Therefore, line authority gives an individual a certain degree of power relating to the performance of an organizational task. (Advameg, Inc, 2010) Line authority is the authority that allows managers to direct others and to make decisions on the organization operations. In the buffet ,line authority is a power to give the authority to the head chef to direct the kitchen staff to prepare the quality food and it gives the authority to floor head to direct the employee whether the customer are happy or satisfy with their service style of the floor staffs or not. If there is any problem related their field, they have the authority about the taking the decision in related field. Line of authority purpose is to help the staff in the process of achieving the goal of the restaurant. It helps the team member to be an effective teamwork. 6. CONCLUSION Part 1: Human resource is managing the people who worked in an organisation as an employee and human resource management helps to run the Tourism and Hospitality industry smoothly and can achieve its goal. Team is a majority of people organized to achieve a common goal. Teamwork is a group of people work together to accomplish the goal. If there is a teamwork any kind of difficult work can done by the discussion and the individual idea of the team members. Team structure determines the work of the team member in the entire departments. It is design for the better performance of the team member. There are many types of team structure such as vertical, horizontal and virtual team structure. The purpose of creating team is to provide a framework and increase the ability of employees to participate in planning, problem solving and decision making to better serve customers. There are some factors which influence the effectiveness of team they are goal, roles, work processes, relationship and environmental influence. Part 2: Oriental buffet is a successful buffet restaurant because there is teamwork. Teamwork is very important in any organization fir its good operation. Roles and responsibilities are related each other. Each team member knows their roles and responsibilities which create a better performance to achieve the goal. Team objectives should be clear to the team member and the team objectives are the specific goal which they have to accomplish by performing effectively working in teamwork. Team objectives can achieve if there is the correct role and responsibility of team member. Line of authority is a power to give advice, support and service to line departments and its purpose is to help the staff in the process of achieving the goal of the restaurant. If there is teamwork and the team member knows their roles and responsibilities and the team objectives the team member perform better to achieve the goal and the goal is to make the customer satified.If the customers are satisfied they visit t he restaurant regularly and the restaurant can make the profit.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Growing Advancements In The Technology Media Essay

The Growing Advancements In The Technology Media Essay With the growing advancements in the technology the mode of communication is being utilized in every field is becoming popular these days. Science and technology have been making continuous advancements in every field like, computer science, medical science, mechanical science, telecommunications, media, etc. science and technology are now having its first step in the technological advancements throughout the globe. Since the discovery of fire, to the innovation of the calculator, pendulum, thermometer, clock, medicines, telephone, television, small gadgets, camera etc. are all great achievements of science. The technological advancements are making the dreams come true and giving relief to the coming generation. Just like food and water, technological advancements are the essential part of oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life in this growing area. Media is one field which is now completely dependent on the technological advancements. Just think, if there were no cameras, no technology to broadcast, no printing press technologies, no computers, no satellite channels, and no other such advancements, then would it be possible for everyone to know about the happenings in the world. Media is in itself a complete encyclopedia of the events that occurred and that are occurring in the world. The most helpful advancement in the media industry is the innovative technology of the computers, and broadcasting. Media is the controlling hub for the technological advancements like internet, television, mobile devices and the newspapers and magazines (Diamond, 2010). Media has been emerging now as the most powerful agency that controls the dynamics of information system (Chan, 2004). This paper discusses the advancements of communication technology involving the use of internet, newspapers and telecommunication services. Media works on the principle of the fundamental rights stated in the constitution, that is, freedom of speech, which can be done either in verbal sense or in writing. The countries that do not allow people to have freedom of speech, remain in the last position in knowing the world facts and governments of such countries may not be aware of the needs of the citizens because they are not able to express their feelings and can not demand for anything (Chan, 2004). The internet is being widely used in all over the countries across globe. With the increasing use of the internet, media is also stretching its arms to grab maximum opportunities in every field. The development of any new technology is the outcome of the requirements in various fields which is searched and identified by using surveys and polls all around the world. Any new development is also a result of solving the errors that occurred in the previous versions. The new developments may or may not be good for the society. In this developing world, where everyone is running too fast to achieve milestones internet is really proving to be a better source of all hidden knowledge and one can easily find all the links on a certain topic easily using a particular set of keywords. The various search engines provide valuable knowledge to the person searching for different purposes (Sen, 2009). Review of literature There are many articles that tell about the importance of communication technology in the media. This technology involves the use of internet, telephonic communication, newspapers, etc. the most important way of communication involves the use of the internet which brings people from distances come together and share their views about any ongoing topic or any kind of discussion about the political, cultural, and social behavior of a particular region. From many papers, some research are discussed below that shows the importance of internet in the media communications(Aelst, 2002). According to Peter Van Aelst, and Stefaan Walgrave, the social behavior of the people and their collective action to protest has taken a common area for the activity and in the democratic world that it gives less surprises to the public and media. The media keeps waiting for such events to occur which make the public go mad and so make the moment as historical and people just want to take part in such activities without any reason except they become a part of the historical movement. However, for the anti-globalization protests, the situation was not like for the many others. People will not come for protests as expected from the other countries too. Only some countries expressed their protests which were from Seattle, Washington, Prague and Genoa, showing an unexpected mixture of the movements from different Nations. Media is so intelligent to broadcast all the movements in all areas of the world and is able to make them come together to protest for the same cause(Aelst, 2002) . Media is thus playing a very crucial role in organizing the historical movements and share them with the other parts of the world. The article by Peter Van Aelst, and Stefaan walgrave, gives a glimpse of the movements which were in progress and analyze the websites of many protesting organizations with the help of internet. This article presents the contribution of the sites that have contributed a lot to start the formation of the movements. It also presents the studies on the collective participation of the countries, and the mobilization of a network of organizations. This research truly gives an idea of the role of internet in media and tells that the internet plays a very crucial role in helping out media to gather information from various sites about the ongoing movements and the organizations taking part in the movements to encourage public about the ongoing protest. This article also helps to prove that the use of internet by various organizations is also an indicator to t he integration of different Nations and the various agencies. Though the use of technology like the internet and other communication gadgets and services is increasing day by day, but it is difficult to give a static explanation and analysis that up to what extent this technology will show the miracles in the media industry (Aelst, 2002). Zheng Xiang and Ulrike Gretzel present a paper study on the role of social media as an information source for travelers. Social media are playing an increasingly important role as information sources for travelers(Xiang, 2002). The aim of the study is to know the extent to which the internet is able to show better results in the search of travel related websites in the various search engines. For the study, a research design was created to motivate the traveler to search about the site. The traveler is asked to plan the travel according to a given set of keywords in accordance to the nine United States tourist destinations. The analysis by the user shows after checking the search results, that the social media, that is internet plays a pivotal role in the search results and planning a tour for a particular destination. It also showed that the search engine directs the travelers to the chosen destination without any delay. This study rightly concludes that the use of internet in media services like the advertisement of the travel tour planning has its roots in it. It also proves to be an important part in the online media generation. It also shows clear evidence for obstacles faced by traditional service providers like a guide or face to face information collected for travel-related guidance (Xiang, 2002). Proposal The use of search engines on the internet and the use of mobile devices to communicate long distances, are the basic innovations done so far that has their maximum use in the media industry. The use of internet has a profound effect on the people working in the media industry. People are now dependent on the internet for getting help from several resources. In communication technology, telephone and use of mobile devices have a lot of research for many years. The discovery of the telephone and the use of printing technology for communication have their roots in the early years of the history. Though the devices and gadgets used at that time were heavy and are with some limitations, but advancements have gone since then with the use of the technology. The devices have been made small in size and efficiency in their working (Sen, 2009). Internet communication has also been under research for many years. For the first time, the internet has been only for the use of businessmen and entrepreneurs. As the time is running ahead in a fast speed, the use of internet has been increased. It has been widely used by all levels of users. Students, employees, businessmen, politicians, and all other people are using internet for their works. There are many applications to be used on the internet which serves many different purposes. The main area of research on the internet is the use of the data with certain privacy (Fulk, 1993). In the media industry, the internet serves many purposes like the editing, getting ideas for script writing of the previously written articles, being creative in the presentation and the overall knowledge about the new topics. The communication technology can be further studied for its relevance and the reliability for the public. It seems that as the use of communication technology is increasing, the privacy of a person is decreasing day by day. The privacy of the government organizations and other private organizations is getting disturbed due to the use of the internet (Ungerleider,1991). Research Question It is a question of great concern about the misuse of the internet in the media. The internet has been used as a technology for illegal activity to open up some scams in the big organizations which is just similar to the sting operation and so communicated through the internet to the various other organizations. Recently, the rise of Wikileaks and the whistle-blowing activities were in the news which were using internet applications as an illegal agent of the technology. Innovation and Its Importance: Whistle-blowers are the persons who provide the details of any illegal activity in the country or outside the country that occurs in the government department or the private companies to the public. These activities can be related to the corrupt activities, any scam, fraud, violations of the fundamental duties by the governmental officials, etc. These people then provide such kind of information to the other organizations and then reach to media for broadcast. When such illegal activities to reach the public, the public from all parts of the world come together to protest against any crime and which leads to a mass movement throughout the globe (Essienubong, 2010). Many website hackers are able to hack the system of some government agencies also that have much confidential information which is not being shared with the public. Like the role of whistle-blowing technology has changed over time, the technology of the use of the internet by the media and the overall media system has changed. This change in the technologies used by the media to communicate with the other sources throughout the world has to come in front of the public. There are many whistle-blowers that are linked with many organizations and these organizations are linked to many media channels which forms a network and so any information can be exchanged from one corner of the world to the other corner of the world (Fulk,1993). The main area of concern and the study topic chosen is the changing trends in the internet services to the media and the technology related to the whistle-blowers over time. The modern technique involved in the whistle-blowing is the use of internet by which the information can be sent in seconds. Prediction The prediction in the use of technology is that due to increase in the use of internet technology and the media services, the information leakage has been increased by the time. This leakage has to be stopped before it goes into the wrong hands like the terrorist groups who can misuse the information for their own purposes (Diamond,, 2010). In every country, the terrorist activities can be seen within less time period which indicates that they have such kind of technology with them like the media and other communicating channels, through which they are able to gather the information in less time and efficiently. The research can also be continued to explore the areas which can be harmful if the information reach to wrong hands. Such areas can only be explored by the help of internet services and the media networks all around the globe. For all the research, the help of the media organizations and the use of internet services and various applications will be required that brings the truth of the increasing activity of the internet in the media and other services provided by the internet to media. If the media personals remain in their limit and broadcast only those matters which are of great concern to the public then we can see a peaceful world without any mislead groups in the society.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Your arms can be your best accessories, especially if they're in good shape. A common problem area is the back of the upper arms; women often try to tone up this area, while men tend to work it to gain strength and size. The triceps pressdown, or triceps extension, is an isolation exercise that you can do to target the back of your upper arms. This exercise is beneficial, as long as your form is correct. About the Triceps The triceps is a three-headed muscle, consisting of the lateral, medial and long heads. It engages each time you extend your elbows to straighten your arms. Although many people focus on working the more visible biceps at the front of their upper arms, the triceps shouldn't be neglected, because they make up about 60 percent of your upper arms. Strong triceps can improve your athletic performance, and also protect your elbows; during sudden flexing of your elbows, they minimize stress by acting as shock absorbers. (See References 1, p. 108) Triceps Pressdown Exercise Triceps pressdowns work all three heads of the triceps. The exercise is done while facing a high...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Crime Of Passion By Barbara Hu :: Barbara Hu Crime Of Passion

The essay â€Å"A Crime of Compassion† was written by Barbara Huttmann. A story of love, dedication, moral values, and a nurse who loved her job and her patients very dearly. One of her patients was a young police officer who had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Within six months time, he had lost his youth, two of his five senses and his ability to do anything for himself. He had stopped breathing numerous times, and each time he was resuscitated. Eventually the pain became unbearable and he begged for God to take him. Being resuscitated wasn’t what he wanted anymore, he wanted to die. This nurse with so much love and so much knowledge relieved him of his pain and let him die. The public and the hospital then scolded her. She was labeled a murderer. The author’s use of description was very detailed and very real. Reading this essay was like watching it on television. Every sentence was described with so much depth; there was no need to imagine the scenery or the excitement of the hospital. The healthy police officer was described as a young, witty macho cop with thirty-two pounds of attack equipment. When reading this, the vision of a man in a blue uniform with his gun and walkie-talkie enters the mind. When the man had been diagnosed with lung cancer he was described as a sixty pound skeleton being kept alive by liquid food poured down a tube. The code blues were described horrifically. He stopped breathing two to three times a day, and every time he stopped he was resuscitated. â€Å"The nurses stayed to wipe away the saliva that drooled from his mouth, irrigate the big craters of bedsores that covered his hips, suction the lung fluids that threatened to drown him, clean the feces that burned his skin†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He was going through an agonizing ordeal, and he was being kept alive unnaturally. The pain he was enduring was far too much for any human or any animal to sustain.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Disease Research

The ten leading causes of death in the United States of America as of 2005 are heart diseases, malignant neoplasm, cerebrovascular disease, chronic lower respiratory disease, unintentional disease, diabetes mellitus, influenza and pneumonia, Alzheimer’s disease, nephritis and nephrosis, septicemia, intentional self-harm. I preferred diabetes mellitus because I think this kind of disease should be given much emphasis and attention from the government. Diabetes mellitus is a type of disease in the pancreatic area.In this disease, the pancreas does not properly generate insulin. When the body cannot generate enough insulin, hyperglycemia and other related disorders will occur in our metabolism. Diabetes can cause harm in other body organs when complications will arise. First of all, it causes damage to the kidneys which are responsible for the absorption of waste products in our body. Damaged kidneys then causes the end stage renal disease in which the kidneys are destroyed mutel y. This then causes the nephrons to worsen which leads to other diseases such as hepatitis to arise.When this happens, the person now has two or more diseases to worry about. Today, it is estimated that 20. 8 million Americans suffer from diabetes. Out of this 20. 8 million Americans, 6. 2 million are undiagnosed. When diabetes goes unnoticed, prevention and early treatment would be impossible. If diabetes is not treated properly, it will then lead to life-threatening complications as mentioned earlier. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the disease will rise to more than 50% in the next 10 years if ignored.According to the United States National Diabetes Fact Sheet 2005, â€Å"Overall, the risk for death among people with diabetes is about twice that of people without diabetes of similar age. † (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & American Diabetes Association, 2005) One major cause of diabetes is an individual’s diet. Since in the United Stat es most follow the â€Å"Western-style† diet in which almost everything is sweet (having lots of sugar in it), it is suggested that people should watch their diet more. However, there is little understanding of the mechanisms in diabetes at present.Unwatched diet may cause obesity which then causes some organs to become larger and cannot function properly (Giurini, Cook, & Cook, 2007). Thus, the government must pay their attention on funding research on diabetes because first, more than 20 million people in the US suffer diabetes at present and will increase in the next 10 years; second; most people do not know that they have diabetes; and third, diabetes causes complications and even death when not treated properly and continued unnoticed. People should be well-informed about diabetes so that they will know how to diagnose, prevent, and treat diabetes.   Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, & American Diabetes Association. (2005). United States National Diabetes Fact Sheet. Retrieved. from. Giurini, J. M., Cook, E. A., & Cook, J. J. (2007). Diabetes: the latest trends in glycemic control. Clin Podiatr Med Surg, 24(2), 159-189.   

Social Media About Muslims

SoRef. No: H00144879 Short Essay Tutorial: Online Learning Teacher: Kristina Rajic Critical Writing & Analysis (C07CW) Impact of Social Media on Islam and Muslims Susan Ward defines Social media as a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but doesn't allow readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content. Some of the common examples of social media are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. There is a wide variety of social medias’ in the Internet. People get more attention to the things that are being shared from YouTube and Flickr nd posting them through Facebook or LinkedIn or MySpace. Social Networking sites spread news all over the globe very quickly and swiftly. According to Suzy Ismail â€Å"Social Media and networking sites must have and has definitely changed the spread of Islam and the perception of Muslims in the minds of many people around the world†, especiall y and mostly in the US and India. After the 9/11 bombings and destruction of the Twin Towers by Bin Laden, the growth of electronic and, in particular, social media has had an impact on the lives of Muslims around the world. According to Khurram T. Dara (2011) â€Å"every scandal, controversy, or violent errorist attack perpetrated by Muslims is put under the microscope.† He does not mean that the media has been trying to willingly to spread stories one way or another about Muslims in US and the world. â€Å"Of course, you have commentators and networks out there with agendas they want to push, but for the most part the impact the media has had comes in its evolution into a 24/7 industry. Everything is covered, regardless of whether it is quality journalism from reliable sources. † (Dara, 2011) Social Media played a crucial role in the way Muslims and Islam have been perceived over the years. Suzy Ismail continues, â€Å"It would be tough for nyone to say that they ha ve not ‘heard’ of Islam with the amount of coverage that our deen has received in the recent years through so many different media outlets†. Further on she adds that Muslims have been vilified and simultaneously victimized especially after 9/11 in America. â€Å"There seems to be two extreme reactions to the deen itself. One is which is sincere curiosity and interest that motivates education and the other is blind hatred and misunderstanding that leads to scapegoating and stereotyping. †(Suzy Ismail) Social media presents a big opportunity to reach out to people who may not even know about Islam or Muslims. Thousands f Americans have never met a Muslim but they have access through social media. In Texas, an event was set up where a Muslim woman is refused service in a bakery just because she has worn a headscarf. ABC News Hidden camera experiments THIS and the purpose is to see what people’s reaction would be, which was quite surprising. Recently in the last few weeks, a controversial American- ­? made trailer of an Anti- ­? Islam video called Innocence Of Muslims has ignited protests across the Muslim world and continues to grow. It is just a trailer for a supposed future- ­? length film that was uploaded in YouTube a few weeks back in America by a an named Nakula Basseley Nakoula a. k. a Sam Bacile who is thought to be the writer, producer and promoter of the video. The Social Media raises complex questions about the freedom of speech in America (Ruth Startman, 2012). Social Media has played a vital role in the rapid spread of this video around the world by sharing it through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.Many Muslim countries removed this video from their network, however the video still remains undeleted in America and other Non- ­? Muslim regions of the world. Twitter and Facebook have been undoubtedly the two networking sites with the most active Muslim users. These sites ave allowed us to connect with many imp ortant persons such as Imams and Sheiks, Political Leaders and so on†¦. Some people are also there to cast a negative vote on Islam and are online just to do so. It can be overwhelming to not care about it, but we need to remember that social media has also given us the strength and the platform to express ourselves. In other ways, we can increase the positive impact of Social Media on the portrayal of Islam and Muslims by being more active online and by having lot of faith on Islam. (Dara, 2011) Social media is a great tool, which can be well used to spread â€Å"Love†, or abused to spread â€Å"hatred†.Let us choose â€Å"love† as every religion of the world is themed to promote â€Å"love† among mankind. No matter what, â€Å"love† will always prevail as it is upon which everything in life is centered and without which there is no meaning in life. REFERENCES: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Ward, Susan; Social Media Definition [online]. Ava ilable from: http://sbinfocanada. about. com/od/socialmedia/g/soci almedia. htm   (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Salman, Javeria; Impact of Media and Social Media on Islam and Muslims [online]. Available at: http://islamicstudies. islammessage. com/Article. aspx? aid=678   (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Dara, T. Khurram (2011) The Crescent Drive: ANESSAY ON IMPROVING THE IMAGE OF ISLAM IN AMERICA, Tensile. (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) ABC News hidden camera experiments – Racism in America â€Å"What would you do? † (Online video) Available at: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=UtWuOvdLRX4 (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Innocence of Muslims, 2012 (online video) Available at: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=gORgR7UiXgY (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Starkman, Ruth (2012); It’s All the Rage: ‘The Innocence of Muslims,’ Social Media, and Free Speech† (online) Available At: http://www. huffingtonpost. com/ruth- ­? starkman/its- ­? all- ­? the- ­? rage- ­? the- ­? inno_b_1906050. html    (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) †¢ †¢